Well... it's heading towards the end of this crazy day. I stayed around the area of Hotel Taj Mahal larger parts of the remaining day. Still not sure why, other than the desire to actually be there and witness the whole thing. There were periods of heavy gun shooting, crushing of glass, bombs or grenades exploding (at one point the crowd went down on their knees when one of the explosions felt extra serious. But it wasn't that bad of a threat really ... I think), and more fire from the main building. I think the fire has become under control, even if it was still smoking.
I overheard that the terrorists had high tech weapons, and that the bombay police didn't really know what was going on in there (I guess it's the military or some commando squad operating inside). There were snipers on the roofs of some buildings.
I wasn't amused or excited during the shooting, I just couldn't. I pictured that it could be hostages that got shot, or some of the forces trying to rescue the hostages. Towards the end I could see how some person was signaling with one type of flashlight from the window. Later the light from that room was switched on and off a few times. A little later I could see three people standing in the room next to it. Not sure if it was the terrorists, some hostages, or the attack force.
I did actually report to A Swedish newspaper from the Taj during the day. I had called them last night, for some reason ...or maybe a reflex since I have a smaller background in media ... and since I was here in Bombay, I felt that I wanted to contribute something. We didn't have much newsworthy to come with at first. But outside the Taj I texted them letting them know what was going on. I was then called up by a reporter from the paper and I told him what I've seen and experienced, and answered some questions.
I already got responses from friends back home being surprised by seeing me on the internet news.
I have so many more thoughts running through my mind right now... but at the moment they are only fragments, too complicated, and too many to describe in words at the moment.
I am leaving Bombay over the weekend. I planned to do it even before all this happened, but now it's even more well needed.
I pray and hope for the best for the remaining hostages. ..and my heart goes to the families that have lost a loved one.
Death has rarely felt so real to me, as it has done now.
I overheard that the terrorists had high tech weapons, and that the bombay police didn't really know what was going on in there (I guess it's the military or some commando squad operating inside). There were snipers on the roofs of some buildings.
I wasn't amused or excited during the shooting, I just couldn't. I pictured that it could be hostages that got shot, or some of the forces trying to rescue the hostages. Towards the end I could see how some person was signaling with one type of flashlight from the window. Later the light from that room was switched on and off a few times. A little later I could see three people standing in the room next to it. Not sure if it was the terrorists, some hostages, or the attack force.
I did actually report to A Swedish newspaper from the Taj during the day. I had called them last night, for some reason ...or maybe a reflex since I have a smaller background in media ... and since I was here in Bombay, I felt that I wanted to contribute something. We didn't have much newsworthy to come with at first. But outside the Taj I texted them letting them know what was going on. I was then called up by a reporter from the paper and I told him what I've seen and experienced, and answered some questions.
I already got responses from friends back home being surprised by seeing me on the internet news.
I have so many more thoughts running through my mind right now... but at the moment they are only fragments, too complicated, and too many to describe in words at the moment.
I am leaving Bombay over the weekend. I planned to do it even before all this happened, but now it's even more well needed.
I pray and hope for the best for the remaining hostages. ..and my heart goes to the families that have lost a loved one.
Death has rarely felt so real to me, as it has done now.
3 kommentarer:
Hej Janne,
Tack för en jätteintressant blogg! Har följt den rätt länge nu, men bara varit en tyst läsare.
Det känns fruktansvärt och jättemärkligt allt det som händer i Mumbai nu... Jag reste runt i Indien förra året och tidigare i år, och känner sedan dess verkligen starkt för landet och alla dess människor. Indien är för mig lite som en sinnesstämning i sig, inte bara ett land och en kultur, och den följer med även när man korsat gränsen på väg ut ur landet... Jag såg nyss att Expressen.se hade en bild av precis det bord jag satt vid och åt middag på Leopold's i maj... vilket gör att dessa otäcka händelser känns närmare än jag skulle önska. Tänker förstås mycket på de mumbaikers jag lärde känna när jag var där... hoppas på det bästa för dem. Och de muslimska indier jag lärt känna, jag hoppas verkligen att de inte får mer problem pga det som nu hänt. Det är många känslor som rörs upp.
En sak som jag är intresserad av är hur det här påverkar människorna i slummen, vad de känner och tänker kring det som hänt & händer. Kommer du att ha möjlighet att prata med dem om detta? Jag hoppas att du skriver några rader om det i så fall. I media läser man ju mest bara de gott ställdas åsikter, för det är ju dem som journalisterna talar med, och de som har egna bloggar och tillgång till internet osv.
Var rädd om dig och ta vara på resten av din indienvistelse!
Oh Goodness, you're all right now!
I was just looking up your blog after I heard what happened on the news.
That is good you are doing all right!!!! Phew!
Magdalena, kul att veta att jag har okanda tysta lasare ocksa.
Har inte markt av nagot alls nar det galler okad osamja mellan muslimer och hinduer, De stog sida vida sida runt de drabbade omradena.
Eftersom kontoret lag alldeles i narheten i Colaba sa har det varit stangt hittils, sa jag har inte haft mojligheten att traffa folket i slummen efter denna handelse. Men hoppas pa det nu den kommande veckan.
Lia, thanks for your concern.
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