I didn't plan to write a new post in my blogg until next week... but I need to right now. I really do. In order to release some frustration.
I'll get back to the cause of the frustration later on.. and tell about my trip to the child institution first. It was an interesting one ...and pretty emotional. It wasn't fully as tragic that I feared it could be. Of course, their situation is tragic... and all the children need all the help they can get. But what makes it easier, is that there are people there that really care for them. The chief of the place, and the social workers, and most likely most of the staff. They are working to give the children as good of a chance in life as possible. Social workers are even working with the parents, as good as they can, so that they will be able to get their lifes in order so that their child can come back to them.
Once a month, the parents or grand parents are allowed to visit the children ...for two hours. Today was one of the days. It was emotional to see a grandmother cry while she hugged her grandchild. ..and later on see a boy cry as his grandmother was about to leave.
These children are lonely, and want to go home... but their home conditions are so bad that it wont be possible.
The children comes from very different walks of life. Some have parents that are drunks and don't care about their children at all ... others are children of sex workers. Some have been victims of various types of abuse, or are at the orphanage to be protected from it. Others have very neglective parents, and other have a loving family, but they are physically incapable of taking care of the children. Some are orphans ...the stories are many.
Made me realize even more how important a loving family is.
Well.... now about my frustration... I guess I am in some type of transition process or something right now. Well... I need to get used to the things that frustrates me right now. Or I will go insane.
I got tired of having all these huuuuge amount of people around me... especially in and around the train stations.. and surtant streets. No real peace and serenity. I feel really claustrophobic right now. I miss the nature, the clean air, clean street food, open spaces, the calmness, Swedish julmust soda, Swedish Portello soda, .... and of course my girlfriend.
...and of course family and friends. ;)
Despite all this... I don't regret coming here. I came here for a higher purpose ..and I just have to deal with things ...in various ways.
1 kommentar:
Hallå Janne!
Grymt intressant blogg, jag kommer vara en hängiven läsare efter att idag ha upptäckt den.
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