Today Sebastian and I went to the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, where we had to meet with our coordinator Soumya and with Neela, who takes care of the international students. We will be spending one day a week there in general. For Hindi classes every week. Every other week we will have independent studies about some social issue in India of our choice, and every other week we will have a field trip to a place of our choice.
We got side tracked on our way to the school by the way. The rickshaw driver didn't speak English, and misunderstood where we wanted to go, so we ended up far away in the wrong direction ..by the Sion train station. Fool... I don't like when people pretend they understand when they in fact don't ..or just guess.
Today we had our Hindi class ....quiet interesting. We learned parts of the alphabet.. and how to pronounce them. Booooy... we had some serious problems with some of the sounds. Both the pronounciation... and hearing the difference between some of the sounds. Our home work is to memorize the vowels and the signs.
The journey back was interesting. Before the train was about to stop at the end station (and still going), suddenly a hoard of chubby middle aged Indian men jumped on the train .. and started to tackle each other and yell. I thought that some type of riot was going on, or some type of police chase. But it just turned out to be people going home after a working day and they wanted to make sure that they had seats to sit on. I almost got my camera knocked off my hands.
Yesterday when I was about to cross the road, some man pointed at my ear, and i thought that I had something there. So I tried to take away whatever that might have been. then he took some type of small stick and put it in my ear ..and dug out some ear wax (I swear that I cleaned them just a day or two ago). That was way bizarre. The he started to point at my hair and said something like "Schampoo! Schampoo!" ...I just walked away and ignored that nut case.
3 kommentarer:
Namaste och wööö-ö-ö-öö-öh! Hur är det stora India? Träffat några lustiga typer ännu? :) Eftersom jag kollar in din nya blogg så får du kolla på min!
Hälsa hinduerna God Jul från mig!
No kidding crazy people! He dug in your ear for you? Whacko....
I think he meant to say shampoo?? Perhaps he wants to wash you hair, so you can pay him???
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