It was an interesting week. I won't be able to cover it all... But I'll share the most interesting parts.
Last Wednesday was the first day of the Ganesh festival. The biggest festival of the year in Bombay. A festival where they celebrate the pink elephant god Ganesh. We had the day off, so we took the opurtunity to roam around and discover more of Bombay.
We started up with taking a taxi tour to some big points of interests. It was fun and interesting, and nice to have that done... but it was a rip-off, Rupeevise. We started off at Gateway of India, and some of the places we visited were a Jain temple, the biggest open laundry in Asia (where people from all over Bombay get their clothes washed), Hanging Gardens (highest view point in Bombay), the Gandhi house (where he started the "Quit India" movement), and The Tower of Silence (the place the Parsi people lay their dead and let the vultures eat their flesh and the bones. Unfortunately it was a gated area with a thick djungle around it, so we barely saw anything of the building).
After that was when the big time, random, walk around southern Bombay started. We walked around randomly... trying to catch various Ganesh celebrations. We could spot them by the heavy drumming ..and just followed the sound. On the street celebrations, smaller groups walk down the streets drumming and dancing in front of a cart with a statue of Ganesh. They also throw redish powder at each other (and sometimes innocent bypassers). i wanted to get that red stuff on me, so I joined in a group when they walked in to an alley. They happily throw some of that in my direction.
In an other group some happy youngsters took me in the hand and dragged me in to their party and wanted me to join in and dance with them. So... I did a little of that. Not as a religious thing, but as a cultural thing. They were a happy bunch and I got some great photo opurtunities. Sebastian avoided the whole ting and hid in the background. He didn't want to ruin is clothes with that red powder. That was probably wise, because now I have hard time getting rid of that from my clothes. They still have a pinkish tone in the used-to-be-white parts.
The walk back was quiet interesting. We where in an area where no white men seem to go. We were the only white boys for blocks, and blocks, and blocks. Hundreds and hundreds of Indians laughed at me, a white boy with red powder in my face and clothes. Yes... hundreds ...litterally, and many of them said various things in Hindi to me (or in the local language).
During our journey we suddently run in to a leper that walked down a narrow vegetable market. It was an old man with a long white beard, and who had his face, arms, and body completely covered with boils. It came so unexpected and as a schock. He was walking around begging for money. Out of instinct I just kept walking, because I didn't know what else to do. I thought that it was contageous, but now afterwards I realized that he probably wasn't. Otherwise the people around him wouldn't have ignored him the way they did. I feel really sorry for that man when I think back about him. How lonely he must feel, despite all the people around him.
The other day a young boy came to me when my taxi stopped, and asked for money. His face was burned off and he had no nose or lips, and no left hand. I usually don't give money to beggars, but in this case I didn't have heart to turn him down, so I gave him a few rupees. I don't feel like a "hero" for doing that though, and I don't deserve a golden star for that ether.
After writing about these last things, it almost makes it seem pathetic that I should complain about my new housing. Well, I'll do it anyway. We moved from one dump in to another. The good part: We have our own rooms and our well needed privacy (nothing personal against each other - I promise). It's not as much of a rip-off as other places, and it's still in a good location. The bad part: No air condiotion, and the fan in the ceiling doesn't do all the job it should, plus the noise.... *sigh*. Unless I lay still, directly under the fan, I will still sweat lots.
Here, at Apollo Guest House (the Colaba Causeway spot), they seemed to forget the importance of clean bathrooms/toilets. Yes, we share that with other people, including the staff, so I always shower with my slippers on. One would think that the staff could spend more time cleaning, instead of just sitting and reading the newspaper, watch Bollywood movies or Indian shows on TV, or just walking around doing nothing.
So I bought a bottle of "Mr Muscle" cleaning spray that I spray on various things that seem too greasy. I'm not a big fan of greasy door handles.
Well, they seem to have done some cleaning lately... I wonder if seing me carrying around that Mr Muscle bottle was a hint? Well, I guess I should give them the benefit of a doubt. They are nice after all, and I can order a cold Pepsi from them for only 20 rupees.
Wow... I guess this was my longest post so far. I you made it here... thanks!
Oh... btw... I have lost almost 4 kilos so far :)
Last Wednesday was the first day of the Ganesh festival. The biggest festival of the year in Bombay. A festival where they celebrate the pink elephant god Ganesh. We had the day off, so we took the opurtunity to roam around and discover more of Bombay.
We started up with taking a taxi tour to some big points of interests. It was fun and interesting, and nice to have that done... but it was a rip-off, Rupeevise. We started off at Gateway of India, and some of the places we visited were a Jain temple, the biggest open laundry in Asia (where people from all over Bombay get their clothes washed), Hanging Gardens (highest view point in Bombay), the Gandhi house (where he started the "Quit India" movement), and The Tower of Silence (the place the Parsi people lay their dead and let the vultures eat their flesh and the bones. Unfortunately it was a gated area with a thick djungle around it, so we barely saw anything of the building).
After that was when the big time, random, walk around southern Bombay started. We walked around randomly... trying to catch various Ganesh celebrations. We could spot them by the heavy drumming ..and just followed the sound. On the street celebrations, smaller groups walk down the streets drumming and dancing in front of a cart with a statue of Ganesh. They also throw redish powder at each other (and sometimes innocent bypassers). i wanted to get that red stuff on me, so I joined in a group when they walked in to an alley. They happily throw some of that in my direction.
In an other group some happy youngsters took me in the hand and dragged me in to their party and wanted me to join in and dance with them. So... I did a little of that. Not as a religious thing, but as a cultural thing. They were a happy bunch and I got some great photo opurtunities. Sebastian avoided the whole ting and hid in the background. He didn't want to ruin is clothes with that red powder. That was probably wise, because now I have hard time getting rid of that from my clothes. They still have a pinkish tone in the used-to-be-white parts.
The walk back was quiet interesting. We where in an area where no white men seem to go. We were the only white boys for blocks, and blocks, and blocks. Hundreds and hundreds of Indians laughed at me, a white boy with red powder in my face and clothes. Yes... hundreds ...litterally, and many of them said various things in Hindi to me (or in the local language).
During our journey we suddently run in to a leper that walked down a narrow vegetable market. It was an old man with a long white beard, and who had his face, arms, and body completely covered with boils. It came so unexpected and as a schock. He was walking around begging for money. Out of instinct I just kept walking, because I didn't know what else to do. I thought that it was contageous, but now afterwards I realized that he probably wasn't. Otherwise the people around him wouldn't have ignored him the way they did. I feel really sorry for that man when I think back about him. How lonely he must feel, despite all the people around him.
The other day a young boy came to me when my taxi stopped, and asked for money. His face was burned off and he had no nose or lips, and no left hand. I usually don't give money to beggars, but in this case I didn't have heart to turn him down, so I gave him a few rupees. I don't feel like a "hero" for doing that though, and I don't deserve a golden star for that ether.
After writing about these last things, it almost makes it seem pathetic that I should complain about my new housing. Well, I'll do it anyway. We moved from one dump in to another. The good part: We have our own rooms and our well needed privacy (nothing personal against each other - I promise). It's not as much of a rip-off as other places, and it's still in a good location. The bad part: No air condiotion, and the fan in the ceiling doesn't do all the job it should, plus the noise.... *sigh*. Unless I lay still, directly under the fan, I will still sweat lots.
Here, at Apollo Guest House (the Colaba Causeway spot), they seemed to forget the importance of clean bathrooms/toilets. Yes, we share that with other people, including the staff, so I always shower with my slippers on. One would think that the staff could spend more time cleaning, instead of just sitting and reading the newspaper, watch Bollywood movies or Indian shows on TV, or just walking around doing nothing.
So I bought a bottle of "Mr Muscle" cleaning spray that I spray on various things that seem too greasy. I'm not a big fan of greasy door handles.
Well, they seem to have done some cleaning lately... I wonder if seing me carrying around that Mr Muscle bottle was a hint? Well, I guess I should give them the benefit of a doubt. They are nice after all, and I can order a cold Pepsi from them for only 20 rupees.
Wow... I guess this was my longest post so far. I you made it here... thanks!
Oh... btw... I have lost almost 4 kilos so far :)
4 kommentarer:
Man, what an adventure you're having! Maybe you should ask for some rent reduction since you're cleaning for them.
I can understand how difficult to try to not give money to beggars. I'm used to dealing with them daily when I lived in Mexico. I have a strong policy of not giving any money to them, or otherwise they would use it to buy drugs. There is the only way to give them something else is FOOD. You can give food to them. I've seen plenty of worse conditions in Mexico. It is a very similar experience. Really!
Congratulation on your Indian diet!
I will dedicate an entire post about beggars actually, when I don't have other crazy things to write about. It is an interesting topic ...and difficult. .. and controversial.
Wow Janne...vilka upplevelser du får vara med om! Kan tänka mig att det verkligen får en att tänka till hur man själv har det! Jag var själv i Ryssland över dagen, inte för att man kan jämföra, men det var enkelt och skabbigt...likväl tyckte jag jätte mycket om det! Jag glömde liksom mig själv på nåt sätt!
Hoppas allt är bra och grattis till de 4 kilona som dragit sin kos! ;)
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